Saturday, June 11, 2011

Utilizing Off Page Optimization the Proper Way

To succeed with SEO, you not only have to focus on your site itself, but you also have to be aware of off page optimization as well. When you first start out with SEO, this may confuse you, but it's not really that complicated once you get started. You can improve your site's off page SEO by keeping the following guidelines in mind.

Backlinks are the number one off page factor you have to be aware of if you want your site to be optimized for the search engines. If no other sites are linked to yours, this will make it almost impossible for you to get ranked by the search engines. Whatever niche you may be in, look up the number of backlinks your competitors have, and you'll find that those who rank the highest tend to have the most links. The best way to build backlinks is gradually, so make this a daily task and build up the number of links you have over time. Getting backlinks to your site from quality sources is the most critical off page SEO tactic of all.

If you want the search engines to rank your site, you also have to make sure you have a complete site map that has your primary keywords. In order for your site to rank well, the search engines have to be able to read all of your site's pages easily, so having a site map properly set up is crucial. The site map makes your site's contents clearly visible to the search engines so nothing is overlooked. If your site doesn't yet have a site map, you should definitely create one as soon as possible. One issue that's sometimes debated in SEO circles is how large a website should be. On the one hand, with a larger site you have more pages and content to rank for, yet many site owners who know what they're doing also manage to rank their small sites highly too.

Every niche, and even every site is a little different, so you should do some experimenting of your own. In some cases you may do fine with a small site, but if you find that you can't rank highly this way, then you can always add more content and pages to it. By experimenting, you can find out for sure what works for you.

The final factor we'll be exploring is the traffic that comes to your pages, which is something that the search engines observe when ranking your site. Your site's importance can be partly judged by how many unique visitors it gets every day, so the search engines watch this. The fact that visitors are coming to your site is important, though they have to be actual visitors rather than clicks you get from bots, and the length of time visitors stay on your pages is also relevant. That's why you have to consider all of this if you want your site's ranking to improve.

The off page SEO techniques we've explored in this article can make a big difference in how the search engines view your site, so pay careful attention to them. There are no magical solutions when it comes to SEO, as success comes to those who regularly apply the fundamentals. This information was brought to you by, your source for all things related on polarised sunglass.

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